Child Safe Project: The Magic Bus…
Goal: 25 by June 2025. To Create Wealth, Success, & Happiness focus on what you can give.

The Magic Bus travels non-stop to over 500 Foster Care Shelters, Child Abuse Facilities, Special Needs Facilities, and more…...In all 48 Continental United States.

The Magic Bus has the following 50 most requested and needed items for children as the bus visits each facility, some with over 200 children & more.
- Eye Glasses
- Dental Gift Certificates
- .Books
- Personal Therapy Equipment
- Wheel chairs
- School Supplies
- Hearing aids
- Dolls/Stuffed Animals
- Backpacks
- Cameras
- Musical Instruments
- Psychology Visits for Mental Health
- Karate Memberships
- Arts & Craft Supplies
- Kids Magazines &Comics
- Skateboards, Scooters, Go Carts
- Video Games/Consoles
- Makeup Kits
- Events Tickets
- Musueum Tickets
- Bikes
- Telescopes
- Toys & Games
- Music Lessons
- Shoes
- Sports Equipment, Jerseys
- Musical Lessons Certificates
- Funds for Rent
- Art Lessons
- Location trackers
- Over the Counter Medicines & Vaccines
- Safety Kits
- Vehicles
- Computers and other tech
- Beds & linens
- Build out a volleyball & badmitten court
- Driving Lessons for those over 16
- Startup Entrenpreneur Loans & Investments
- Diapers and other Infant Needs
- Pool Table,
- Foosball Table
- Bumper Pool
- Air Hockey
- Ping Pong Tables
- Apps to make money with Educational Training on the Magic Bus…

Food, Clothing, & over 50 of the most requested items from childrens

Entertainment, Sports, & Recreational Equipment and Games..