Child Safe Project

Profile With BBB

Rent an Actor, Model, or Voiceover Talent


The more details and information we have about the job you need us to do, the better we’re able to perform convincing roles. Costume hire may be charged extra.

Please try and give us at least 3 working days lead time for any booking, this is the absolute minimum we need to cast and prepare your job to the best of our abilities.

Please send an E-Mail to or use our contact form below for a quote or more information.

About you or your company:

Company Individual
About the Job
To work with you, we need the relevant information at least a week before your intended booking. Payment is due in full before booking talent, via Paypal, Cashapp, Zelle, Bank wire. In some cases, we reserve the right to ask for up to 50% deposit, at least 48 hours before commencement of the booking in order to start casting your job. Some individuals may be more difficult to cast than others, and a premium may apply to harder to cast jobs where a rare type of performer is needed with special skills, availability or looks. We do supply child actors or extras, however not all are available at specific times. You are responsible for providing a safe environment for our actors to work in, with relevant insurance in place to ensure their health and wellbeing. We need regular breaks and catering in place please for bookings lasting more than 4 hours.