SEVEN ways you can help disadvantaged children in your area.
- Text us at: 813 495 3101 to pick up any donations (toys, electronics, clothes, household, etc. ) you put at your designated place. We pickup within 24 hours
- Tell neighbors, friends, co-workers, &others to help by donating as well.
- Donate your time as a volunteer at one of our Childrens Charity Community Thrift Stores
- Find a foster home for the children who need one
- Donate money, it goes even further and it’s tax deductive with our receipt
- Shop at one of our Childrens Charity Community Thrift Stores
- Make money while helping. We are opening stores all over the town. Invest on our crowdfunding site on
Indiegogo.com and invest as much as you can. Get a percentage of the profits from the store! The returns can be gigantic as this charitable business model generates free donations so there is no goods cost AND we staff the locations with mostly volunteers and community service workers. In addition there are no taxes taken because we are a charity. All these things make us more profitable.
We help disadvantaged children living in your local area! Do something amazing. Help them.

History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.

The Child Safe Protection Project is a Non_Profit Organization which helps disadvantaged children in every local community we place Childrens Community Thrift Shops. Which we hope is soon in every community.
Every community can support multiple Thrift Shops and each local thrift shop contributes to disadvantaged children in their local neighborhood, and many of our services can also support disadvantaged children in every community.
The goal is to help disadvantaged children in Every area of support they need with our “5 Points of Light Project”.
- Provide emotional support and housing for Abused & Homeless Children (& mothers)
- Find Foster Children secure, loving, & permanent homes
- Special needs children who need professional special care & financial support
- Exposure through our media and production capabilities for Missing & Abducted Children
- Financial & Life skills mentoring & courses to help sustain themselves for their future

The Children’s Community Thrift Shops work with local charities such as the Russel Home for special needs & atypical chldren, as well as dozens of other local charities.

We have a we proven thrift shop formula we have adopted from our mentors already operating thrift shops now, that they have operated for decades profitably and generously support their causes.

The thrift shops have tremendous earning potential because of SEVEN benefits other businesses do not have..
- All products are donated by local businesses and community residents. Realistically hundreds of items a day. So much so that their isnt even enough space for all the items. This means there is no costs in obtaining products.
- Free Labor. This includes A. Volunteers B. Community Service workers required to donate time to non profits. This means the labor costs are reduced up to 90%.
- Our unique store concept also allows donators in the servicce sector to offer free services such as haircuts, dental, facials, lawn care, etc. which can be purchased as Gift Certifcates at our locations.
- Online and at location Charity auctions. This ten folds the opportunity for larger infustions of cashflow.
- Pickup service. By picking up donated products, we can increase our donations by another 1000%, including curbside discarded items that are still in excellent condition, someone just don’t want them anymore.
- We have volunteers who research classified sites and find dozens of free items that we can offer free pickup in 24 hours or less.
- Our internet resources can reach “influencers” who have thousands and millions of followers.

When you want to create wealth you need to focus on what you can give, not on what you can get.
We want to create build this FASTER, and the way to do this, is to get the help and support from investors.
- The current Thrift Stores we are connected with now, produce from $1500-$2000 for a 1200 sq ft store, to $5000 per day in sales with a 4000-5000 sq ft store. And this is with 90% margins.

Investors can make profits from their support in many ways….
- Investors receive profits from the next location opened. The investment is very profitable as well as secure. Investments can be as low as $100-$5000 for a 5% a month return on their investment, quite a substantial return for helping disadvantaged children. That is 60% a year return.
- An investment of at least $5000 will generate a return of 10% per month, or a return of 120% per year.
- Investors can invest in multiple locations and their investment will be put into the immediate next location that is opened within 60 days of their seed money.
- Investments are paid out monthly on the first of the month, starting 30 days after initial opening of a location, which generally takes about 60 days.
- Investors can also open their own Childrens Charity Thrift Shops in their area and create a generous salary for their time, effort, & support.
- We offer training and full company support to open and grow your business. Because of our formula investments are a fraction of other retail store investments, as low as $20,000 and we have many funding, and loan sources if desired.

This investment is unlimited!
Hurry, as this project is available for only 30 days, and our goal is $20,000 per location. And with the help, support, and guidance of our partners who already operate these type of locations, our possibilities are soon realities!
Those who invest first in this project will be offered opportunities in the additional Thrift Shops first!

Kindness is the hardest thing to give away, because it keeps coming back to you

History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.

Heroes are made by the path they choose.
SEVEN ways you can help disadvantaged children in your area…
- Text us at: 813 495 3101 to pick up any donations (toys, electronics, clothes, household, etc.) you put at your designated place. We pick up within 24 hours.
- Tell neighbors, friends, co-workers, & others to help, by donating as well.
- Donate your time as a volunteer at one of our Childrens Charity Community Thrift Stores
- Find a foster home for the children who need one.
- Donate money, it goes even further. and it’s tax deduction.
- Shop at one of our Childrens Charity Community Thrift Stores
- Make money while helping. We are opening stores in many communities so we can help more children.
Invest with us to open Childrens Community Thrift Shops. Get a percentage of the profits from the store! The returns can be life changing, As this charitable business model generates free donations so there are little costs AND we staff the locations with volunteers and community service workers