Faster Money Methods.

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Understanding The Greatest Wealth Process Ever for the average person, while helping disadvantaged children…

Bottom line is we can get you from $400,000 to $1,200,000 Million and show you how to pay it off, and we do it in about 30 days. You are 30 days from Financial Freedom.

At the Personal Wealth Project we are a nonprofit personal wealth company. Our mission is to create financial freedom for our members in the easiest, fastest, with the least amount of time, money, & effort possible. Maximizing the quality of life for our members and their loved ones is the goal & then having our members pass it on to others, including our Child Safe Project.

We have strategic lender and investment relationships, business accelerators, and unknown shortcuts unknown to 99.9% of the public.

We do not accept everyone into our membership & wealth programs. We only work with kind, patient, responsible, competent, ethical, serious people who can follow directions & will help others become financially free & help with our Children’s Charity “Child Safe Project.”

 Our VIP Membership is included and has over $150,000 in free financial educational courses, $500,000 in free Gift Certificates for travel, cruises, and restaurant dinners.  In addition, we offer ongoing help, support, & guidance for as long as needed.

At the Personal Wealth Project can get virtually we decide to work with up to $400,0000 in about 30 days, or 1.2 million depending on how ambitious you are.  (We can do 3 corps for you at once)

 We have a simple but tremendously powerful 2 step process of building out a corporation and using the business EIN number for funding NOT your personal SSN.

 *No Fico, No SSN, No Personal Guarantee, No Docs! The EIN number is used in this process.    

  *You can do up to THREE Aged Corporations at one time for a total of around: 1.2 million in funding.                      

Step 1: We take our aged corporations, transfer about $500,000 in credit accounts along with financial projections and presto, $200,000 in loan money and $200,000 in a line of credit, (which you only pay for only when you use it!)

*Our costs are only $6000 for the program with $3000 as a down payment. 

  We require some “skin in the game.”  The aged corporation can cost up to $10,000 alone and over $20,000 to add tradelines.

  1. We do have 2 options for those who want this but don’t have all $3000.  We have “INSTANT FUNDING” for those who have decent credit (over 680) or a good income. We can get from $2000 to $200,000 in a couple days. Use some of this to get started and do 3 instead of 1!
  2. We have an “Angel Funding” program. Those who get funding, will put in $2000 for you of the $3000.   You pay them back $4000 after funding. Everyone will pay that small amount to become financially free once and for all! You only put up $1000 for “”skin in the game”.
  3. You pay $3000 after funding to cover the balance of the aged Corp, and 15% of all funding to us and our partners for our profits and to recoup our upfront costs.
  4. Next is how to pay off your loans and create 2nd, 3rd, and 4thpassive income streams using our auto pilot money methods, investments, income strategies, and business blueprints.

First, is our referral program. We have the best product on the planet-MONEY. Everyone wants it, everyone needs it. We will show you how to get unlimited clients. You make 2% of all funding, so $400,000 would be $8000 in profits. With a client doing 3 corporations the profits to you would be around $24,000 PER CLIENT!

Second, is our “Angel Funding” program you read above here. You put up $2000 to others and they pay you back $4000 in about a month. That’s a 100% return on your investment, proven, secured!

Third, is our Forex investment. When you put in $20,000 you receive $19,000 back in 120 days! A 95% return on your investment in just 4 months, and you get 15% of it back in the first 3 months.    No skills, no experience, no training, automated by our trading company relationship. This alone pays off all your loans! (Less 10% you pay of your profits to our Non Profit).

Fourth, is our Children’s Charity Thrift Shops. Our Child Safe Project. These are amazing and the average Children’s Charity Thrift Store helps an average of 30-60 local children a month. These thrift stores are profit monsters because the products are donated, and we generate free labor from the county so it’s virtually all profit.  

You can start your own, for as little as $30,000 and generate from $60,000 to $150,000 a month!  Or just invest in them and receive 10% a month of all profits! 

This is the main reason we will offer you this funding. If you cannot help creating a future for the disadvantaged children in your community, this program may not be right for you.

Fifth, we have dozens of other passives, money while you sleep options including real estate, businesses for sale that make money already, startup business blueprints, and investments.

To get more information simply email us or Text us for a call back asap.   You can do 999 things wrong; you only need to do 1 thing right.  This is it.